KL2 Scholars Program

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  • About the Program

    During its first fourteen years, the GHUCCTS has been privileged to award KL2 support to 26 junior faculty colleagues from Georgetown and Howard Universities and from MedStar Health, who have leveraged this opportunity in order to publish >500 peer-reviewed manuscripts, receive over 50 extramural grants and conduct 30 sponsored clinical trials.

    This K-series career development award is nearly identical to our previous KL2 awards and analogous to individual K23, K08, or K01 awards, with a focus on developing early-career (MD or equivalent; doctorally-trained nurses, pharmacists or dentists; a n d clinically or translationally-oriented PhD) faculty investigators from any discipline and any of our eligible institutions through an inter or multi-disciplinary mentored translational research experience so that they can become independent, extramurally-funded investigators. Given the goals of the GHUCCTS, awards will favor those: 1) who propose novel trans-, inter-, or multi-disciplinary and collaborative/team research projects; 2) from any parts of the entire T1-T4 translational continuum; 3) which span departments, disciplines, and institutions; and, 4) address significant health disparities.

    The program requires a documented commitment of 75% protected time for research and career development activities and will provide salary support (up to $90,000 of salary, supplemented by fringe benefits). In addition, we anticipate that the program will provide up to $40,000/year to support research and training. We anticipate that support for the one new position this cycle will be provided for up to 3 years; with 2 years by GHUCCTS (based on documented progress and continued promise of the scholar), and 1 year provided by the sponsoring department or institution.  Future funding beyond year-one, as well as any continuing institutional commitments related to this KL2 award will be depend on successful re-funding of the GHUCCTS (application under review).

    KL2 Scholars will be expected to submit individual K- or R-series (R01, R21 applications or their equivalent) applications within 2 years of the award and, if successful, must then be provided with a firm continued commitment of 75% protected time and salary from their sponsoring institutions (i.e., for at least 5 years from the date of original appointment to the KL2 or for duration of the R-series award, whichever is shorter) in order to ensure their success.

    We envision an interactive, and mentored process for application development, over the coming 6 weeks, so that the application will be responsive to this RFA. This application and review process should enable us to make the new KL2 award in October 2024. We encourage potential applicants to contact us as soon as possible to clarify requirements and suitability of this support mechanism for their career development goals in order to submit the pre-application by the deadline.

    Inquiries can be made to Ms. Cyndi Campbell, MBA or to any member of the KL2 Executive Committee (Jason G. Umans, MD, PhD:; Kathryn Sandberg, PhD:; Marjorie Gondre-Lewis, PhD:; Karl Thompson, PhD: 

  • Requirements & Eligibility
      • Must be a US citizen, Non-Citizen National, or Permanent Resident by the time of award activation.
      • Must have a full-time faculty or equivalent appointment at a GHUCCTS institution (Georgetown University, Howard University, or MedStar Health) at the time of award activation.
      • Must devote 75% effort to the program for a full 3 years. [Note: We will consider 50% effort, with prior consultation and approval, in accord with NIH guidelines, for some surgeons or procedural subspecialists. The applicant, mentors, and relevant department chairs/chiefs will need to describe and ensure how the plan for protected time will be implemented and enforced.] 
      • Individuals who were, or currently are, the Principal Investigator of an NIH R01, P01 or P50 subproject, or individual K ( e. g., K01, K08, K22, K23) grant/award ARE NOT eligible.
      • Applicants may not have an individual K-series or R01 application (as PI) pending at the time of KL2 award
      • Likewise, current/former Principal Investigators of multi-year non-NIH peer reviewed research grants with budgets
        > $100k in annual direct costs ARE NOT eligible. By contrast, individuals who were, or currently are, the Principal Investigator on an NIH R03, R21, or Phase 1 SBIR/STTR grant or non-NIH peer reviewed award
        < $100k in annual direct costs ARE ELIGIBLE to apply.
  • Application Process

    We are pleased to announce the next round of Georgetown-Howard Universities Center for Clinical and Translational Science (GHUCCTS) KL2 awards with this call for new applications. Full applications will be due on August 5, 2024, with an anticipated appointment date in October 2024. 

    Online Application Form [Pre-Application (not required for Final Application) Deadline July 22, 2024]

    * Please note that the KL2 Application is now closed.

    **We encourage you to contact the KL2 Executive Committee for specific informal feedback to determine if your idea is responsive.**

    The online application requires the following information

    • Applicant demographic information
    • Project information (title, research phase, IRB/IACUC approval, etc.)
    • Proposed mentors
    • Plan for didactic training
    • NIH Biosketch
    • NIH Other Support Page(s)
    • Curriculum vitae
    • Personal statement
    • Letters of support


    A 4-6 page research proposal for the major research project, describing three (3) years of work. Using the PHS 398 (current R01) format, including: specific aims page, significance, innovation, and approach, providing background, major experimental or study details, with attention to feasibility, available resources and collaborations, and plans for subsequent work. While the focus is on the major research project, please describe other planned research activities and sources of support required for their completion in order to account for 75% FTE that will be devoted to the K award and assure high productivity during this award. brief (1-3 page) plan describing a subsequent individual K award application or R01 application that would be submitted in year 1 (usually an individual K-series application) or in year 2 (usually an R01 application) of the KL2 period of support and how that application would be made more competitive by the proposed prior KL2 support and training.A 0.5-1-page statement detailing 3-year and 5-year career plans as well as the specific role of this mentored research experience in achieving those goals, and the manner in which the project and mentorship plans will specifically advance multi- or inter-disciplinary research. This statement should be aligned with your individual development plan (IDP) developed in collaboration with your mentors.A 0.5-1-page lay summary of your proposal, including its potential impact on relevant patient populations, (especially if understudied), communities, and suitable for sharing with interested lay advisory groupsA 3-4-page proposal detailing the plan and rationale for specific didactic training and career development activities to supplement and enhance the mentored research experience. In particular, please provide a critical self-appraisal of current skills and needs for further training with respect to the core competencies for translational investigators identified by NCATS and how your training plan and goals align with translational science principles. If a specific degree or certificate program is proposed, please provide details and rationale. If specific courses, workshops, internship, externships (e.g., with industry, federal agencies, or stakeholder organizations), or tutorial experiences are proposed, please provide details and rationale.NIH biosketch (in current format) for the applicant and for each mentorNIH Other Support Page(s)A three-year detailed budget & budget justification (using NIH’s FP4 & FP5 forms)Only If applicable, we ask that you submit a brief statement describing any challenges in implementing the commitments required for the KL2 award (i.e., 75% focus on productive research and career development activities) due to competing commitments or uncertainties, how you and your department will plan to transition to the KL2 award, and any delays in start date that would be required to complete this transition.A detailed letter from the department chair (co-signed by any other relevant, responsible official) endorsing and appraising the applicant and the application, as well as outlining the department’s (or school’s or institution’s) plan for, and commitment to, the applicant.0.5-1 page description of how your research will both use any Translational Science Principles (as described here) and (beyond the project-specific impact) how it will advance Translational Science more broadly.


      • Specific plan that guarantees 75% protected time from day 1 of KL2 support (and addresses any transition plans needed to re-focus scholar effort).
      • Details of all past, current, and previously-committed institutional research support (e.g., protected time, “startup packages”, research funds, non-monetary resources [including space, equipment and needed research staff]) provided to the applicant and assurance that prior commitments will be honored without any offset by the KL2 award or any new KL2-related commitments in years 1-3
      • Plans for additional/continued institutional research support during the 3 years as a KL2 scholar including source(s) of funds to support salary and research expenses that exceed funds provided by the KL2 during the 2 years of grant support and then fully replace this award during one of the three years as a KL2 scholar
      • Details regarding provision of, or access to adequate research facilities, ancillary, or core resources required for the proposed research (co-signed by any/all other relevant, responsible officials)
      • Details regarding provision of, or access to adequate departmental administrative support to assist appointed applicant navigate and complete administrative processes
      • Details regarding ALL anticipated clinical, teaching, administrative, or other activities which might be reasonably construed by reviewers as either extraneous to (or competing with) research career development
      • Commitment to continue this support for 5 years (from the date of initial appointment) if the applicant transitions successfully to an R01 award immediately following the period of KL2 support.
    • A letter from the mentor(s).
      • KL2 awards, the career aims, the training experiences, and the mentorship needs are, by definition, discipline-spanning and collaborative. Therefore, all applicants must propose (at least) dual or team mentorship, with input that spans disciplines and/or stages of research translation. Explaining the rationale, focus, content, and feasibility of the mentoring plan will be a key review criterion.
      • Mentors’ letters can be written individually, or all mentors may contribute to a single letter which, however, must delineate each of their roles as well as the plan for coordinated joint mentorship
      • Detailed commitment to the applicant
      • Their contributions to development of the research project
      • Their plans for interacting with the applicant over the next 3 years, as well as an appraisal of the applicant’s likelihood of productivity and success in transitioning to research independence.
    • No more than two (optional) letters of support by senior faculty (from any institution or setting) familiar with the applicant’s current work and accomplishment and able to evaluate the likelihood of success, defined by the transition to individual and collaborative extramural research funding as well as the need for further mentored research training.

    Mentor Qualifications:

    Mentors must interact closely with the scholar, and should have collective research expertise and experience relevant to the proposed career development program. Mentors must be committed to continue their involvement throughout the total period of the scholar’s career development under this award. Each Scholar candidate appointed in the program award must have a primary mentor, preferably from a GHUCCTS institution, who: (1) has a track record of successful and sustained federal (i.e., NIH, AHRQ, CDC, FDA, DOD, HRSA or VA) research funding, (2) has the research resources (including funding, facilities, space, collaborations, access to key populations, technologies, and reagents) which will be available to the scholar to ensure productivity, and (3) has a track record of successful mentorship of trainees who have gone on to productive independent or collaborative research-focused careers. The mentor must be committed to continue this involvement throughout the candidate's total period of development under the award. Secondary or joint mentors should be similarly committed to the scholar’s career development, but provide complementary perspectives, guidance, and support. While at least two mentors are required, there is no limit to the size or composition of the mentoring team. In each case, the mentoring team must clarify the roles of each member and how they will function together for the scholar’s benefit. Further, we require that joint mentors be expert in demonstrably-differing disciplines or specialties than the primary mentor or focus their research in differing stages of the clinical-translational research continuum (T1-T4). The applicant and mentors must explain the rationale for selection of the mentoring team and how it will function to guide the applicant to independent funding, translational research productivity, a training and career development direction that favors discipline-spanning collaborative team science, and successful academic career development. 

    Resubmission:  Application Requirements

    • You must include an introduction to the resubmission that:
      • summarizes substantial additions, deletions, and changes to the application;
      • responds to the issues and criticisms raised previously in feedback; and,
      • is one page or less in length

    DO NOT mark-up changes within the resubmitted application (e.g., do not highlight, color, bold or italicize changes in Research Strategy). 

    Deadline & Notification Dates: 

    Program Contacts: 

    Send inquiries to Ms. Cyndi Campbell, or to any member of the KL2 Executive Committee (Jason G. Umans, MD, PhD:; Kathryn Sandberg, PhD:; Marjorie Gondre-Lewis, PhD:; Karl Thompson, PhD:

    KL2 Scholars Program
    Sponsoring Department Guarantees & Commitments

    The KL2 Scholars Program requires a documented commitment of 75% protected time for research and career development activities. Salary support (we anticipate up to $90,000 of salary, supplemented by fringe benefits) will be provided as well as up to $40,000/year in support for research and training. We anticipate that support will be provided for up to 3 years; with 2 years by GHUCCTS (based upon continued support by NCATS and on documented progress and continued promise of the scholar), and 1 year provided by the sponsoring institution, department, division, service line, and/or institution.  Continued support beyond 1 year and any continued departmental/institutional commitments will depend on successful re-funding of our GHUCCTS CTSA.


    • Guarantee of 75% protected time for year-1 and year-2 during the KL2 grant support period with clear explanation of all funding sources (including for coverage of any cost-share obligations).
    • Provide a detailed plan and timeline that guarantees 75% protected time for the applicant to conduct their KL2 project – specifically stating that the combination of clinical, administrative, and teaching load will not exceed an average of 10 hours/week by the time of award activation;
    • Detailed description of all institutional, departmental, and division research funding and startup funds that were already given or promised to the appointed applicant and a detailed plan of how they will be re- deployed exclusively for the applicant’s research during (or following) the 3-year KL2 award;
    • Commitment to continuing 75% protected time and salary and fringe coverage during year 3 that includes both the funds provided by the KL2 grant and the institutional cost-share amounts;
    • Commitment to providing $40,000 of research support during year-3;
    • Commitment to providing adequate research facilities (including space and equipment) and access to ancillary and core resources required for the proposed research project including access to necessary research staff; and,
    • Commitment to providing administrative support to navigate and complete administrative processes required by the KL2 program including the budgeting, costing allocation, and purchasing required by the applicant's KL2 project, quarterly meetings with KL2 administration and other KL2 activities, as well as in the preparation and submission of new and revised grant applications.
    • Commitment to continue 75% protected time for an additional 2 years should the applicant receive an R01 (or equivalent)  during or immediately following the 3-year KL2 program. 
  • Scholars and Alumni

    Aline M. A. de Souza, PhD, is an Assistant Professor of Medicine at Georgetown University. Dr. De Souza’s research, “Long-term physiological consequences after recovery from severe caloric restriction,” seeks to understand why people develop cardiovascular and kidney disease after recovering from a period of malnutrition or very low-calorie intake with the ultimate goal of preventing long-term disease. Dr. De Souza is co-mentored by Dr. Carolyn Ecelbarger from the Georgetown Department of Medicine, Dr. Nawar Shara from MedStar Health Research Institute, and by Drs. Chris Albanese and Olga Rodrigues from the Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center.

    Headshot of Dr. Bonnie Carney

    Bonnie C. Carney, PhD, is a Research Scientist in the Burn Research Laboratory at MedStar Health Research Institute and an Assistant Professor of Biochemistry and Surgery at Georgetown University. Her major project focuses on “Mechanistic pathophysiology of post-burn hypopigmented hypertrophic scar development”. She is dissecting altered melanocyte biology using cells and tissues from post-burn hypertrophic scar with altered pigmentation, with the ultimate goal to improve patient outcomes. She is co-mentored by Dr. Jeffrey Shupp, Director of the Burn Center and the Firefighters’ Burn and Surgical Research Laboratory at MedStar Washington Hospital Center, Dr. Melissa Harris (University of Alabama, Birmingham), Dr. Robert Judson-Torres (University of Utah), and Dr. Ginette Okoye (Howard University).

    Dr. Erica Coates headshotErica E. Coates, PhD is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at Georgetown University. Her translational research, “Racial Socialization and Racial Identity as Moderators in the Relationship Between Parents’ and Children’s Exposure to Racism and Children’s Mental Health,” will inform and refine a culturally adapted model of parent-child interaction therapy that incorporates racial socialization. She is co-mentored by Dr. Celene Domitrovich, from the Department of Psychiatry at Georgetown University and Dr. Velma McBride Murry, from the Departments of Health Policy & Human & Organizational Development at Vanderbilt University.

    Amanda Blair Spence, MD
    is an infectious disease specialist and Assistant Professor in the Department of Medicine at Georgetown University. Her research, “HIV viral suppression and comorbidities: outcomes and interventions in an aging population,” seeks to elucidate contributions of biology, behavior, and social determinants to the development and manifestation of comorbidities in persons living with HIV in order to design and implement tailored, acceptable interventions to improve health outcomes. She is mentored by Dr. Seble Kassaye, a former KL2 scholar,  with co-mentorship by Dr. Lucile Adams-Campbell, of the Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center, both at Georgetown University.


    Christina Marea, PhD, MA, FACNM is a practicing nurse midwife and Assistant Professor in the Georgetown University School of Nursing (GUSON). Her community-partnered research is testing the feasibility, acceptability and preliminary effectiveness of a 12-month model of postpartum care to address the negative health effects of structural racism for birthing people in Washington DC. Dr. Marea is mentored by Drs. Alejandra Hurtado de Mendoza, herself a former KL2 scholar, Kristi Graves, and Arnold Potosky, from the Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center.

    KL2 Scholar Alumni

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    Headshot of GHUCCTS KL2 Scholar Dr. Kaiyan He
